Richard Payton Degree

First Annual

Richard Payton

Master Mason

Memorial Degree


Crescent High School

FFA Arena

Iva, SC

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Event Details

A Master Mason Degree
will be held at the
Crescent High School
FFA Arena
in Iva, SC

Click for Google Map

Saturday, March 29, 2025
Fish Fry at 12:00 Noon
The Master Mason Degree
starts at 2:00 PM

Cost: $40 per person (Pre-register)
($45 at the door)

The price includes a Fish Fry meal and
one Commemorative Coin

Please bring your aprons!
Please bring your dues cards!
This MM degree is open to all Regular Master Masons in good standing.

Commemorative Coin

Everyone who attends will receive one commemorative coin, which is included in the ticket price.
Additional coins will be available after the event.

About Richard

Richard Jerry Payton was 69 years old when he died on Tuesday, April 25, 2023.

Richard worked as a truck driver for many years, but his greatest passion was Freemasonry, where he was active at Divver Lodge #349 AFM in Anderson, South Carolina, for many years. Richard faithfully helped with degrees, coached and mentored many new Masons, and provided memorable meals for his hungry Brothers.

Richard loved to advocate for Masons all over the Southeast and was an honorary member of over 25 lodges across several states.

We miss him, but we will honor him and his dedication by annually conferring the Master Mason degree in his honor.

For Richard, making meals for the Brethren was his love.

Proceeds will go to the district Square and Compass Club to fund Instructional and Inspirational meetings.